Thursday, May 7, 2020


Alex Dee
Period 2
Prompt #5
AICE Media Final
Assess the importance of marketing in film
Over the past decades, marketing has become more and more of an asset for success in the film industry. As can be seen in multiple scenarios, movies with more marketing create more revenue. Marketing gives films exposure, and makes the audience excited for the release of that film. Marketing can take multiple forms in the film industry from cross media convergence, and merchendice.
Starting off, the first form of marketing in the film industry is cross media convergence. When the producers use this marketing strategy, they are exposing as many people as possible to the film. This is such an effective method of marketing because it can be seen before the film has premiered, as well as during the film’s arrival to the audience. As can be seen throughout multiple films, the ones with more cross media convergence, end up making more sales than those without. One perfect example of this is when Beauty and the Beast outsold Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. When looking at the cross media convergence of both the films, it can be seen that Beauty and the Beast had five forms of cross media convergence whereas Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 only had three. Beauty and the Beast’s cross media convergence consisted of a soundtrack being released, special imessage stickers that can be used, exclusive twitter stickers that can be added to photos, playing the original Beauty and the Beast more frequently on TV, and Cosmopolitan keeping the fans updated with articles about the film. Guardians of the Galaxy’s three uses of cross media convergence appeared in the blizzard cup sold at Dairy Queen, appearance of the actors on BBC news, and a monopoly game that was sold for marketing. After analyzing the cross media convergence and the gross income of the movie, it is obvious that there is a relation. Whereas Guardians of the Galaxy produced just $863,756,051 in it’s lifetime gross, Beauty and the Beast who utilized more forms of cross media convergence produced a whopping 1.3 billion. This just proves my point in saying that marketing is a key asset for a movie to perform well in the box office.
Furthermore, another form of marketing that is often used in the film industry is merchandise. Merchandise gives people something to remember the movie by. After getting excited over the movie, and watching the movie, what’s the next step? The answer to this, merchandise. Merchandise gives the film it promotes a lot more exposure, and it makes people more invested in the film as now they own something that has to do with that film. With the help of merchandise, some of the biggest grossing movies of all time have been given birth to. One great example that represents just how essential merchandise for a film's success is Black Panther and Ugly Dolls. In the movie Black panther, there are a plethora of merchandise being sold from toys for kids, to shirts and clothes for adults. This film uses merchandise to connect with a vast range of audience, and through doing this became one of the highest grossing films of all time. Whereas this was the case for Black Panther, Ugly Dolls had a rather disappointing turnout, they used no merchandise. No merchandise means less hype around the film, a smaller range of audience, less publicity for the film, and ultimately makes the film underperform. Whereas Black Panther, using multiple forms of merchandise, produced 1.2 billion dollars, Ugly Dolls using no merchandise came out with a total of 55.7 million. As can be seen there is a drastic difference between box office results of films that used merchandise, and films that have not.

As I have clearly presented, marketing is essential for a film to perform well. The benefits of marketing are endless, some of these benefits include: Cross media convergence which increases the exposure, and Marketing gives the film exposure, draws in a wider range of audience, and creates interest around the film. Through marketing, one can truly give birth to a high grossing film. With lack of marketing, one can only experience the downfall of that film. Therefore, after analyzing all the facts, it can bee seen that marketing is clearly vital.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Alex Dee
Period 2

Extract Essay
The author seems to be conveying a feeling of suspense. The author is trying to convey an action genre. The author wants the audience to be on the edge of their chairs. The direct message from this scene seems to be that the man is very intent on getting information out of this woman. The director uses many elements to convey a feeling of suspense and action.
In the first scene, we start with a fade on transition. The fade on transition, although very simple, makes for a suspenseful feeling as we know the scene is starting and it slowly shows us what the starting frames are. We then switch to an over the shoulder shot of the man walking into the door. This adds to the suspenseful feeling as we now know that she will be interrogated by him and that the interrogation will now begin. We then get a zoom shot of the camera in the corner of the room, which adds suspense as now we know that the interrogation is being watched. We are also introduced to a very menacing soundtrack that makes the scene even more suspenseful as the man is walking towards the girl about to interrogate her. 
In the next scene, we are introduced by a zoom shot of the clock in the room, this builds suspense as it shows that he only has a limited amount of time to get information out of the woman. Then the dialogue starts. There is a pan shot of the pan walking which builds suspense because it makes the viewer think, where is he walking towards, will he end up harming this lady. The dialogue then talks about a bomb which builds even more suspense. In the next scene we have a wide angle of the man flipping over the table due to frustration. This builds suspense and builds on the action theme of the extract. Now, there is even more of a suspenseful soundtrack playing in the background as we have an over the shoulder shot of the lady speaking. This builds suspense as it makes the viewer think he might harm the lady. 

We then start off the next scene with a pan shot of the man and the woman in a stare down, neither of them talking. This builds the tension between the two characters and raises suspense levels. Due to the even more suspenseful mise en scene that we can see with the dim lighting, handcuffs, and table and chair, combined with the even more suspenseful sound track that starts playing, the suspense is at an all time peak. This is until the lady smirks and the man loses it. He flips the table and pushes her chair all the way up to the wall and starts to choke her and question her. The intense breathing of the man builds on the action theme of this extract. We then see a split screen with the officers running from the viewing room into the interrogation room. In the other screen we have the man interrogating the woman. It builds suspense because either the man will get the information out of her, or the officials will come in before he is able to. This shot is the most suspenseful and they end up pulling him away from her before he gets answers. We then see him leave the room and a fade to black screen.

Friday, April 17, 2020


AICE Media Final Project

This is my groups unfinished Final Project. It is the title sequence to an action movie, however we never got to finish due to the corona virus outbreak.  This was an issue as we still needed to get to the part that links what the movie is about to the title of the movie. The part I am talking about is of the man eating cereal when the robber walk in and sees him. This links to the name of our movie which is called the Cereal Killer. This was the easiest to film as the entirety of the time there was only one person. This was due to the fact that our filming got cut short. This meant we didn't have to worry as much about having everyone in the shot. We also were all together which made things a lot easier. The first step to making the movie was choosing roles. I was chosen as the cameraman as we knew I was going to do the majority of the editing. We were able to all get together because Jack drove us all to his house after school. We filmed about half of our video before the corona virus occurred and we had to stop filming. This was unfortunate as we were making good progress and were being efficient with our time. The only scenes we would have to film after this is the robber finding the man eating cereal. After this the man eating would run out of the house. Then the robber would chase him resulting in a man hunt. This forces the man to jump into the water. As can be seen, most of the upcoming scenes have more than one person in them. With all the coronavirus and not being able to leave out homes, we weren't able to film anything.

AICE Media Music Video

Our music video was the hardest to film as none of our schedules lined up. We tried for so many days to film all of us together. This however did not work and we ended up having to film our parts separately. Jorge filmed some of the establishing shots for the beginning of the movie. Jack drove by chick fil a to get more shots there for the beginning and middle of the film. After that he drove to my house and filmed the rest of the video together. For the ending, Jack and I lathered hand sanitizer all over the paper bag and then set it on fire. We did this inside a church to keep the theme of Sundays.  We did not have a ton to work with so I knew we would have to spice the video up with effects. First, I added in a animated design underneath the chic fil a sign. Then, I added the luma keyer effect overtop the chic fil a sign. The luma keyer effect targets the darkest areas of the footage. So you must revert what the effect is effecting. This will change it to key out the lightest colors, or white. Now the finished product should look like a chic fil a sign that has a blue and purple animation inside the sign. We used a similar idea when making the chic fil a store during a sunset. I took a video of a sunset and did the exact same thing. However, this time you do not have to revert the shades effected by the effect. After all of this was completed, it seemed as if we did the best with what we had. However, there were many more bumps along the road. We filmed the majority of this film with our iphones. This made for super HD video footage. This may seem like a good thing, however when you are trying to export it or upload it to anything there are bound to be little mistakes because of how big the file is. One example of this is when we uploaded the video to youtube. I waited three hours for it to upload, and then when i watch it it turns out some of the video is missing.

AICE Media Commercial

This is my finished AICE Media Commercial. In the beginning of this project we were given a couple brands to choose from. My group was me, Jack, and Aitan. We quickly realized Nike as the best choice for all of us. It was something we all liked so there were no disputed about wether or not to choose the brand. We also realized that we should be wearing nike clothes because it was a nike commercial. I wore nike socks, cleats, shorts, and a nike shirt. We also decided the commercial would be about soccer. Jack happened to have a Barcelona jersey that he lent to Aitan as he would be the goalie. We also used a bag for the cleats which was thrown to me in the beginning of the video. Jack was playing the role of the goalie. It was hard using all three of our members in the commercial. This basically meant we had to start filming and then run over and act out the scene. We would then cut out the unwanted parts of the film. I played the role of the soccer player. My favorite aspect of this film is the POV shots. We used this when I was putting on my cleats. I also like the first transition I made in the beginning of the video. Right when I catch the bag the scenery switches over to the field. The hardest shot to film was the rainbow flick over Aitan and scoring. This was difficult as we had to make sure everyone was in the frame which messed us up a couple times. I had trouble doing the rainbow perfect every time so this shot ended up taking longer than usual. For the Nike branding we put in the end, we just found pictures online. If the outside was black, we used it. I then put a luma keyer over the footage to take away the black around the nike sign. Then, I inverted the colors to make it black. Then I added the prism effect to make it look better overall.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Filming again

          Today, we filmed a part of our video that we realized was missing and we still hadn't added to the video. This was completely unintentional, so it was best that we got it out of the way as fast as possible. We noticed the missing clip when we were watching it for fun in class. I realized that there was a part of the video we completely forgot to film. This was the footage of jack driving into his driveway, using a wide angle. This would just be a minor part in the beginning of our film, however I still believed it was necessary to film and add into the video. Jack checked out a camera and tripod once school let out. We all congregated at the student parking lot after school. Jack then drove us to his house. On the way there, we decided to get chic-fil-a a popular fast food restaurant. We arrived at Jack's house and headed inside. Before starting to film the single missing shot, we sat down and ate our food. After we were all done eating, We headed out to film. We started by setting up the tripod in the desired position. This was a struggle as many cars were passing by, and we had to film in the middle of the road. However, we were safe about it and made sure to have a person watching for cars at all times. We screwed in the camera, turned it on, focused on the desired point, and we were ready to film. I told Jack the camera was set up, and had him move his car into the desired spot, I, the cameraman, gave Jack the okay to start pulling into the driveway. There was a problem with the first clip however. Jack was looking in the camera, a crucial mistake that could not be looked over. We filmed the scene again, and this time it looked perfect.


Alex Dee Period 2 Prompt #5 AICE Media Final Assess the importance of marketing in film Over the past decades, marketi...